Build Reason for deepin:Develop:main / traitlets

Repository / Architecture: standard / loong64

Build reason: meta change
Build scheduled at: 2024-10-09 07:11

33 packages that got changed and scheduled a build for package traitlets.

Package Change
dh-python md5sum
docutils-common md5sum
libjs-sphinxdoc md5sum
pybuild-plugin-pyproject md5sum
python3-bs4 md5sum
python3-build md5sum
python3-certifi md5sum
python3-chardet md5sum
python3-docutils md5sum
python3-editables added
python3-hatchling md5sum
python3-idna md5sum
python3-imagesize md5sum
python3-importlib-metadata added
python3-iniconfig md5sum
python3-jinja2 md5sum
python3-more-itertools added
python3-packaging md5sum
python3-pep517 added
python3-pluggy md5sum
python3-pygments md5sum
python3-pyproject-hooks removed
python3-pytest md5sum
python3-requests md5sum
python3-roman md5sum
python3-six md5sum
python3-sphinx md5sum
python3-sphinx-rtd-theme md5sum
python3-sphinxcontrib.jquery removed
python3-urllib3 md5sum
python3-zipp added
sphinx-common md5sum
sphinx-rtd-theme-common md5sum